Our Organization building employment skills and capacity of young people. It’s fostering entrepreneurship and bridging the skills gap. It’s creating new jobs and employment. Helping different Govt. Immunization, Vitamin A Capsule distribution Projects. Regularly organizing free eye camp & arrange free Book donation program at different schools in Bangladesh. Our organization supports the concept that children who learn to enjoy reading at an early age continue to read throughout their lives. In order to develop a love of reading, children must have access to books which stretch their imaginations, touch their emotions, expand their horizons.
In addition, SDVPB generates opportunities for people to achieve economic stability and build strong families and vibrant communities by offering job training, employment placement services and other community-based programs for people who have disabilities, lack education or job experience, or face employment challenges.

You know Bangladesh is a country of over population and poor is its main character. Most of the people in Bangladesh are living under poverty level. Result is most of the peoples are illiterate; those who have general education, majority of them have no technical knowledge for having a good job. Because they are very much weak in English language and IT Knowledge which are vital at the present Bangladesh to have a standard job.

Main objective of our organization is to deliver free English language, different vocational training, standard IT skill training with internet and build capacity to secure employment in the outsourcing market place & help to set up small enterprises to the disadvantaged children, girls, women & unemployed orphan youths in Bangladesh. Last ten years we are running this project. In limited scale we can claim success, even though we have critical limitations to run these basic programs smoothly. Our ultimate goal is to empower 3 million unemployed youths within 5 years which will bring more conscious peoples about environment, upgrade less fortunate people’s living standard.